Parent Teachers Association (PTA)
Orangewood Elementary School PTA
"Every Child, One Voice..."
Welcome to the Orangewood Community...
Last year, our PTA hosted several successful events and fundraisers. We continue to be amazed at the tremendous support with our fundraisers. The Fall Fundraiser, Book Fair, Spring Fundraiser and Jog-a-thon will support Orangewood student activities. Because of your support, our educational programs are continuously enhanced for all students. We are always in need of volunteers to work our events. If you have any time to volunteer please contact the office. We need you!
PTA Officers
President – June Navarro
1st V.P. Programs – Brittney Rodriguez
2nd V.P. Fundraising – Linda Lutz
3rd V.P. Membership – Gabriela Contreras
4th V.P. Communication – Monica Chindlund
Treasurer – Irma Millan
Secretary – Candice Hernandez
Auditor – Danny Medina
Historian – Ryann Mayo
Parliamentarian – Kimmy Gutierrez
To promote the welfare of children and youth in the home, school and community.
To raise the standards of home life.
To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.
To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental and social education.
Annual membership dues are $10. Members receives an Orangewood t-shirt!
PTA 2022-2023 Calendar
August ~ October |
Membership Drive |
August ~ October |
T-shirts handed out in class |
Sept. 16th-Oct. 14th |
Reflections “Show Your Voice.” |
October 23rd-31st |
Red Ribbon Week |
December 2nd |
Family Movie Night |
Nov 29th-Dec 2nd @5pm |
Gingerbread House family night |
Feb 27th. - March 3rd |
Read Across America |
February 27th |
Career Day |
March 27th- 28th |
Scholastic Book Fair |
Family Art Night |
April 19th |
Imagination Machine |
June 2nd |
Hoop It Up |
June 5th-8th |
CF Fitness |
June 5th-8th |
End of School year celebration |
Sept. 26th - Oct. 10th |
Fall Fundraiser - Popcorn |
Nov. 28th-Dec. 2nd |
Scholastic Book Fair |
Chick-fil-A Fundraiser |
March 30th |
Jog-a-thon |
August 17th |
Back to School Luncheon for Staff |
May 1st-5th |
Teacher Appreciation Week |
May 3rd |
Staff Appreciation Luncheon |
June 9th |
5th Grade Celebration |
PTA Association Meetings:
NOVEMBER 2, 2022
FEBRUARY 1, 2023
MARCH 1, 2023 (ELECTION MEETING 2023-2024)
PTA Committee Mtgs:
Mondays (monthly)